
Subscribe to Sportico and enjoy your workout!

methods of paying the subscription for the sportico application


If you are a new user and do not have the option to register

If you do not have the possibility to access the Sportico program, you can send us the details of the account you want to open, and we will open the account on your behalf.

You need to send us the following information:

  • your first and last name (or at least a nickname, if you don’t want to give personal information)
  • correct e-mail (be careful, it is very important not to make a mistake, otherwise we will not be able to send you a reply!)
  • desired username (it is a name that is unique in the Sportico system and by which all other users will be able to recognize you): it may happen that this very name is taken, so you may have to repeat the process if someone has already used that name , and you send someone else.
  • usage option: do you want to use the program as:
    • sportsman
    • club (starter, micro, small, medium, large): do you want your members to be able to access it as well

You can send the data via your email or via our contact form.

As soon as we receive your request, we will complete the registration for you and send you payment instructions.

You can make the payment through your business bank, in the same way as when you pay your electricity bill.

If you have already registered as a new user, and now you want to pay the first subscription

If you have already joined the Sportico program and registered, you can send us the details of the account you want to use, and we will send you instructions for paying the first subscription.

You need to send us the following information:

  • correct e-mail (be careful, it is very important not to make a mistake, otherwise we will not be able to send you a reply!)
  • username you provided during registration.
  • usage option: do you want to use the program as
    • sportsman
    • club (starter, micro, small, medium, large): do you want your members to be able to access it as well

You can send the data via your email or via our contact form.

As soon as we receive your request, we will send you payment instructions.

You can make the payment through your business bank, in the same way as when you pay your electricity bill.

If you are already using the program and want to extend your subscription for another month

If you are already using the Sportico application and want to extend your subscription for its use, you can send us your account information, and we will send you instructions for paying for the subscription extension.

You need to send us the following information:

  • correct e-mail (be careful, it is very important not to make a mistake, otherwise we will not be able to send you a reply!)
  • username associated with your account.
  • if you use the program as a club, note if you want to change the usage option (starter, micro, small, medium, large)

You can send the data via your email or via our contact form.

As soon as we receive your request, we will send you payment instructions.

You can make the payment through your business bank, in the same way as when you pay your electricity bill.

If you are a club owner and want to activate passive licenses for your members

If you are already using the Sprtico program as a club owner and you want your club members to be able to track basic information about payments and arrivals, you should choose the option that includes the option for passive member access when paying the monthly subscription.

Passive access means that the member can track his payments, his arrivals, the trainings recorded by the trainer in the system, but he cannot enter his results or actively exchange information with his trainer.

If you are a club owner and want to activate active licenses for your members

If you are a coach who wants to exchange data with a member of your club, it is necessary for that member to have a paid subscription for active use of the Sportico application.

If you want to help your practitioner and pay a subscription for him, you need to send us the following information:

  • your correct e-mail (be careful, it’s very important not to make a mistake, otherwise we won’t be able to send you a reply!)
  • username associated with your practitioner’s account.

You can send the data via your email or via our contact form.

As soon as we receive your request, we will send you payment instructions.

You can make the payment through your business bank, in the same way as when you pay your electricity bill


If you are a new user and want to register

If you want to connect to the Sportico application , you must first register, i.e. to enter your data in the Sportico database. Open the Sportico application in your favorite browser, and enter the address:

Select the “Register” option and fill in the basic information:

  • your first and last name (or at least a nickname, if you don’t want to give personal information)
  • correct e-mail (be careful, it is very important not to make a mistake, otherwise we will not be able to send you a reply!)
  • desired username (this is a name that is unique in the Sportico application and by which all other users will be able to recognize you): it may happen that this very name is taken, so you may have to choose another one
  • access password: the password should be long enough to be secure against unauthorized access attempts. Always keep your password in a safe place and change it occasionally!
  • how you want to use the program: as an individual or as a club

When you have successfully completed the registration procedure, activate the “On-line payment” option.

If you registered as a club owner, you will have to choose the size of the club (starter, micro, small, medium, large).

The program will connect you with your bank. Follow the payment instructions and use your payment card. The bank will deduct the amount of dinars corresponding to the monthly subscription option you have chosen.

Finally, the system will inform you that the payment has been completed successfully. Your subscription is automatically registered, so you can start using the program immediately.

If you have already registered as a new user, and now you want to pay the first subscription

If you registered as a new user, the program will save your data for 7 days. If you do not pay the first subscription within that period, we will consider that you have given up using the system and we will delete your registration.

During those 7 days, you can try to access the Sportico program. Open the Sportico application in your favorite browser, and enter the address:

It will detect that you have not paid the first subscription and will offer you payment options. Activate the “Payment instructions” option.

If you registered as a club owner, you will have to choose the size of the club (starter, micro, small, medium, large).

At the end, the program will show you all the necessary data that you need to enter on the payment slip. Just in case, they will send you an email with the same information.

If you are using the program, the subscription for the program is about to expire and you want to extend it

Every time you start the program, it checks if you have a valid subscription. If, during the check, the program determines that there are less than 7 days left until the subscription expires, it will automatically offer you options for paying for the subscription extension. In that case, activate the “Payment instructions” option.

If you registered as a club owner, confirm the size of the club (starter, micro, small, medium, large).

At the end, the program will show you all the necessary data that you need to enter on the payment slip. Just in case, they will send you an email with the same information.

If you are a club owner and want to activate passive licenses for your members

If you are already using the Sportico application as a club owner and you want your club members to be able to track basic information about payments and arrivals, you should choose the option that includes the option for passive member access when paying the monthly subscription.

Passive access means that the member can track his payments, his arrivals, the trainings recorded by the trainer in the system, but he cannot enter his results or actively exchange information with his trainer.

If you are a club owner and want to activate active licenses for your members

If you are a coach who wants to exchange data with a member of your club, it is necessary for that member to have a paid subscription for active use of the Sportico application.

If you want to help your exerciser and pay a subscription for him, you can do it very easily through the Sportico application. To activate the subscription payment option for your members, you need to send us an email with a request to activate this option.

We will let you know what your monthly limit is, i.e. how many subscriptions you can activate in one month. When the month ends, we will count how many subscriptions you have actually activated for your members, and we will send you a payment instruction to your email.

In this way, your members get the subscription right now, and you will make the payment instead of them at the end of the month. You can make the payment through your business bank, in the same way as when you pay your electricity bill.


If you are a new user and want to register

If you want to connect to the Sportico application , you must first register, i.e. to enter your data in the Sportico database. Open the Sportico application in your favorite browser, and enter the address:

Select the “Register” option and fill in the basic information:

  • your first and last name (or at least a nickname, if you don’t want to give personal information)
  • correct e-mail (be careful, it is very important not to make a mistake, otherwise we will not be able to send you a reply!)
  • desired username (this is a name that is unique in the Sportico application and by which all other users will be able to recognize you): it may happen that this very name is taken, so you may have to choose another one
  • access password: the password should be long enough to be secure against unauthorized access attempts. Always keep your password in a safe place and change it occasionally!
  • how you want to use the program: as an individual or as a club

When you have successfully completed the registration procedure, activate the “On-line payment” option.

If you registered as a club owner, you will have to choose the size of the club (starter, micro, small, medium, large).

The program will connect you with your bank. Follow the payment instructions and use your payment card. The bank will deduct the amount of dinars corresponding to the monthly subscription option you have chosen.

Finally, the system will inform you that the payment has been completed successfully. Your subscription is automatically registered, so you can start using the program immediately.

If you have already registered as a new user, and now you want to pay the first subscription

If you registered as a new user, the program will save your data for 7 days. If you do not pay the first subscription within that period, we will consider that you have given up using the system and we will delete your registration.

During those 7 days, you can try to access the Sportico program. Open the Sportico application in your favorite browser, and enter the address: 

It will detect that you have not paid the first subscription and will offer you payment options. Activate the “On-line payment” option.

If you registered as a club owner, you will have to choose the size of the club (starter, micro, small, medium, large).

The program will connect you with your bank. Follow the payment instructions and use your payment card. The bank will deduct the amount of dinars corresponding to the monthly subscription option you have chosen.

Finally, the system will inform you that the payment has been completed successfully. Your subscription is automatically registered, so you can start using the program immediately.

If you are using the program, the subscription for the program is about to expire and you want to extend it

Every time you start the program, it checks if you have a valid subscription. If, during the check, the program determines that there are less than 7 days left until the subscription expires, it will automatically offer you options for paying for the subscription extension. In that case, activate the “On-line payment” option.

If you registered as a club owner, confirm the size of the club (starter, micro, small, medium, big).

The program will connect you with your bank. Follow the payment instructions and use your payment card. The bank will deduct the amount of dinars corresponding to the monthly subscription option you have chosen.

Finally, the system will inform you that the payment has been completed successfully. Your subscription is automatically registered, so you can start using the program immediately.

If you are a club owner and want to activate passive licenses for your members

If you are already using the Sportico application as a club owner and you want your club members to be able to track basic information about payments and arrivals, you should choose the option that includes the option for passive member access when paying the monthly subscription.

Passive access means that the member can track his payments, his arrivals, the trainings recorded by the trainer in the system, but he cannot enter his results or actively exchange information with his trainer.

If you are a club owner and want to activate active licenses for your members

If you are a coach who wants to exchange data with a member of your club, it is necessary for that member to have a paid subscription for active use of the Sportico application.

If you want to help your exerciser and pay a subscription for him, you can do it very easily through the Sportico application. To activate the subscription payment option for your members, you need to send us an email with a request to activate this option.

We will let you know what your monthly limit is, i.e. how many subscriptions you can activate in one month. When the month ends, we will count how many subscriptions you have actually activated for your members, and we will send you payment instructions to your email.

You can make the payment directly from the Sportico application by activating the “On-line payment” option. There you can enter the number of members for whom you are paying off the obligations, and the program will connect you with your bank. Follow the payment instructions and use your payment card. The bank will deduct the amount of dinars corresponding to the number of members for which you pay the subscription.

In this way, your members get the subscription right now, and you will make the payment instead of them at the end of the month.